Character Creation
Acceptable Sources
Player's Handbook
Elemental Evil
Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Volo's Guide to Monsters
Ability score Generation
- Standard array: Use the suggested scores of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8. Place them in whatever order you'd like.
- By-the-Book: As per the Player's Handbook, choose race and class, then determine ability scores by rolling 4d6 drop lowest.
- Straight Down: Roll for ability scores in order using 4d6 drop lowest, then choose race and class.
- Playing Cards: Make a deck of 18 cards containing three 6s, three 2s, four 5s, four 4s, and four 3s. Make six ability scores by drawing six sets of three cards. Place them in whatever order you'd like.
Hit Points beyond first level
You can use either method described in the PHB (eiter taking the average rounded up for your hit die or rolling the die) as long as you stick to the same method for at least two levels. If you're rolling dice, re-roll 1's.